
Gout is an extremely painful condition, which is characterized by attacks of arthritis and result in red, hot, swollen and tender joint. It is referred to as podagra when the big toe is involved. The sharp increase in the levels of uric acid in the blood is the culprit behind this condition. It tends to crystallize and gets deposited in joints, tendons and the tissues that surround them, thereby resulting

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a systematic autoimmune disease that is often highly painful and disabling. It tends to affect many body tissues as well as organs. However, the flexible joints are among its primary targets. In case adequate treatment is not administered to the patients, they may face tremendous difficulty in performing normal chores and their mobility can be severely hampered.

The worsening of the disease can be slowed with pharmacological as


Constipation refers to the condition when passing bowel movements becomes hard and difficult to pass. It is the most likely cause of painful defecation. Constipation may degenerate into bowel obstruction, which can pose a threat to life. Constipation can be a symptom of a bigger issue; hence its exact cause needs to be determined before beginning with its treatment.

Constipation can be any one of infrequent bowel movements, facing difficulty while


Hemorrhoids or piles are swollen veins in the lower rectum or anus. Strained bowel movements and pregnancy are the two most likely causes of hemorrhoids. These may be classified as internal or external, depending on the basis of their location. If these are present inside the skin around the anus, these are called internal hemorrhoids and in case these are present inside the rectum, these are called external hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids can


Bursitis refers to the irritation or inflammation of the bursa, a sac with lubricating fluid which acts as a cushion between the bones and tendons, muscles and skin. The primary function of the bursa is to decrease the friction and rubbing between the bones and above mentioned body parts. Bursitis may set in due to age, sudden injury or repetitive usage of the joint over long period of time.

The high


Sacroiliitis refers to the infection of the sacroiliac joint, the joint which connects the sacrum with the ilium of the pelvis. The likely causes of sacroiliitis include osteoarthritis, wear and tear of joints, trauma, pregnancy and infection in rare cases. In fact, sacroiliitis is a major symptom of several forms of inflammatory arthritis.

Sacroiliitis is characterized by severe pain in the buttocks that can aggravate during early morning or late at


Fibromyalgia refers to the condition of widespread chronic pain in the body, usually accompanied by memory loss, mood swings, fatigue and sleep disorders. Patients may even experience debilitating joint pain, difficulty in swallowing and abnormalities in bladder and bowel movement. The exact causes behind fibromyalgia are unknown, but researchers believe genetic, environmental, psychological and genetic factors might be behind it.

Fibromyalgia has been associated with depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, and anxiety.

Kidney stones

Kidney stones are small, stone like formations that can develop in either or both the kidneys. These formations are made up of acid salts and minerals and tend to deposit in the kidneys over time when the urine is concentrated. Quite often, these stones are painful, but rarely cause any permanent damage to the urinary tract.

Small stones can be passed by the body in the urine painlessly even without getting