
Sacroiliitis refers to the infection of the sacroiliac joint, the joint which connects the sacrum with the ilium of the pelvis. The likely causes of sacroiliitis include osteoarthritis, wear and tear of joints, trauma, pregnancy and infection in rare cases. In fact, sacroiliitis is a major symptom of several forms of inflammatory arthritis.

Sacroiliitis is characterized by severe pain in the buttocks that can aggravate during early morning or late at


Fibromyalgia refers to the condition of widespread chronic pain in the body, usually accompanied by memory loss, mood swings, fatigue and sleep disorders. Patients may even experience debilitating joint pain, difficulty in swallowing and abnormalities in bladder and bowel movement. The exact causes behind fibromyalgia are unknown, but researchers believe genetic, environmental, psychological and genetic factors might be behind it.

Fibromyalgia has been associated with depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, and anxiety.

Kidney stones

Kidney stones are small, stone like formations that can develop in either or both the kidneys. These formations are made up of acid salts and minerals and tend to deposit in the kidneys over time when the urine is concentrated. Quite often, these stones are painful, but rarely cause any permanent damage to the urinary tract.

Small stones can be passed by the body in the urine painlessly even without getting


Nightfall refers to a common health disorder among men when one experiences spontaneous orgasm in sleep. The male would have an involuntary erection and ejaculate while sleeping. It is common among teenage males, some young people set to enter puberty and some older men. When ignored, nightfall can turn into a serious health hazard and can even alter the reproductive ability of a man.

The major causes of nightfall are fantasizing

Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation is a condition in which a man reaches orgasm much before he or his partner would want. The most common causes of premature ejaculation are performance anxiety and excessive stimulation. Certain psychological factors like guilt might be at play.

Prolonged premature ejaculation can lead to dissatisfaction in the partners. It can result in sexual tension and other issues in the relationship as well. While this disorder cannot be prevented,


Oligospermia refers to the condition in which the semen of a male has low concentration of sperms. It is a common cause of male infertility. Normal sperm count is between 20 million sperms per millimeter to 120 million sperms per millimeter of the semen. Less than 20 million sperms per millimeter of semen is termed as oligospermia. It needs to be noted that the concentration of sperms can fluctuate and


Sterility refers to the biological incapability of an individual to bear a child. It may also refer to the inability of a woman to carry pregnancy to its full term. Sterility is often caused due to biological reasons, some of which can be treated with medical intervention. Men and women have an equal share of sterility cases at 40 percent each, while the remaining 20 percent cases are caused due

Hair Loss

Appearance of bald patches on the scalp or thinning of hair is referred to as hair loss. There are several reasons that may cause hair loss, including genetics, stress, illness, diet, compulsive pulling of hair, tight braids or ponytails, and use of hot hair irons can result in hair loss. In certain cases, iron deficiency may result in loss of hair. Some women may experience hair fall after giving birth.



Epilepsy refers to a group of diverse chronic neurological disorders that are characterized by seizures. Epilepsy might be caused by alcohol addiction, brain cancer, substance abuse, stroke and trauma. Seizures tend to set in due to abnormal neuronal activities in the brain.

As many as 50 million people around the world are affected by epilepsy. Its occurrence becomes more common with increase in age. It is estimated that 80 percent of

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a mental disorder which is characterized by impulsiveness, hyperactivity or a combination of the both. The prevalence of this disorder is pretty common among school going children and an estimated 3-5 percent of all children globally are affected by ADHD. The symptoms of the disorder emerge by the age of seven years.

The patients of ADHD act impulsively, are restless and have difficulty in focusing