
Acne is a pretty common skin disease that results in scaly red skin, whiteheads and blackheads, pimples, and pinheads, often accompanied with scarring. The face, upper chest and the back are the most commonly affected areas with acne. In most of the cases, acne sets in during adolescence and may even carry on into adulthood.

Increase in testosterone levels in the body during adolescence is the major culprit behind acne. Acne

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata or spot baldness is the loss of hair from some or all body parts, especially from the scalp. In rare cases, it spreads to the entire epidermis (skin) or to the entire scalp. Around 20 percent of patients have a family history of this condition. Autoimmune condition is the most likely culprit behind alopecia areata.

Men, women as well as children are known to get affected by Alopecia Areata.


Rough skin growth on the feet and hands resembling blisters is referred to as warts. Viral infection, specifically due to various types of human papillomavirus (HPV) is the main culprit behind warts. There are ten different types of warts and the most common one is harmless. These can last for several years altogether or may disappear within few months.

Most prevalent types of warts include Common Wart, Flat Wart, Genital Wart,


Freckles are clusters of tanned circular spots on the skin. These are more prominent on the skin of fair people and tend to develop on the skin in a random manner. These can get aggravated owing to exposure to sun. Freckles set in when there is concentration of melanin under the skin and are of the size of head of nails.

The color and distribution of freckles is mostly uniform, and

Hyper Pigmentation

Hyper pigmentation refers to appearance of dark spots on the skin when there is excess production of melanin. It usually leads to black or brown patches and an uneven skin tone. It might be caused by overexposure to sun, inflammation or due to skin injuries. Hyper pigmentation can either be focal or diffuse and face and back of hands are most commonly affected by it.

The most common type of hyper


Dermatitis, meaning skin inflammation, refers to a range of skin ailments that result in dry, red and itchy skin. In some of the cases blisters or crusty scales may set in, which may ooze fluid. Several types of allergens, health conditions and genetics may cause skin rashes. The dermatitis symptoms tend to vary with the different types of the disease.

There are three major types of dermatitis:

Contact Dermatitis: Skin inflammation that


Urticaria, also known by the name hives, is an allergic reaction that results in skin rashes in the form of pale red and itchy bumps, often accompanied by a burning sensation. Rashes that persist for a period of six weeks or lesser are caused by allergic triggers, while those lasting even longer than that are caused by non-allergic triggers.

While the researchers are unsure about the exact cause of urticaria, they


Sinusitis refers to the inflammation or swelling of the sinuses tissues. Under normal circumstances air fills the sinuses, but when these get filled with liquid, germs such as bacteria, fungus and virus start growing there, causing infection. Sinusitis is a pretty common condition that affects millions across the globe every year.

Sinusitis can set in due to common cold, a deviated septum, or allergic rhinitis (swelling in the nose lining).
Different types

Behavior Disorders

All sorts of behavior disorders hound people around the globe. Children as well as adults are found to be patients of myriad behavior disorders such as obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety, panic attacks, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and Conduct Disorder (CD). Treatment of these disorders can include medication, education and therapy or a combination of two or all of them.

Some symptoms might be common across all the disorders, so correct


Adenoids are bunches of spongy tissue located at the back of the nasal cavity, just above the roof of the mouth. Their primary function is to prevent kids from falling sick, but when they get enlarged they can get really messy and disrupt normal breathing.

The functioning of adenoids is somewhat similar to that of tonsils. These help in filtering out harmful bacteria and viruses. The adenoids house cells that contain